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Streamline incident and claims process from origination to closure and turn manual work into automated processes.

Manage all incident types: WC, Auto, GL

  • Reporting
  • Investigations
  • Insurance Filing
  • Employee Statements
  • Claims Tracking
  • Root Cause Analysis

Ensure nothing falls through the cracks using Pulpstream process-driven approach.


Enhance Your Entire Claims Management Process

Report claims from desktop and mobile devices.

Initiate a claim from any device and then make them accessible to employees or your customers. Deliver the same experience on the web, Android, or iOS. Pulpstream makes it easy to track:

  • Notes
  • Attachments
  • Emails
  • Photos
  • Signatures
  • Geolocation data

Administer any type of Claims.

Pulpstream makes it possible for you to have one system to track all of your claims, including:

  • Workers’ compensation
  • Disability Claim
  • General liability
  • Product liability
  • Warehouse claims
  • Auto claims

Create claims from reportable incidents and manage the entire lifecycle, including:

  • Claim notifications
  • Insurer adjuster communications
  • Claim documentation
  • Insurer integration
  • Accommodations and return to work event tracking
  • OSHA report generation

Manage claims intuitively.

From intake to settlement, Pulpstream unifies all aspects of captive claims management. Streamline operations with digital:

  • Claims portals
  • Initial review processes and determinations
  • Correspondence management
  • Expense and payments tracking
  • Detailed loss run reports
  • Custom claims analytics

"The automatic notifications, real-time reporting, and visually friendly organizing system that Pulpstream offers have helped us significantly cut down on tedious tasks, identify patterns, and deliver accurate information at all times.

Jose L. Garcia, VP of Risk and Human Resources.

The Commerce Casino

Claim Analytics at your fingertips


Integrates with your HRIS seamlessly

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Santa Clara County Reduces Carbon Footprint With Digital Incident Process Management

Executive Summary:

The County of Santa Clara’s Parks and Recreation Department streamlined incident process management by partnering with Pulpstream. Park Rangers use the Pulpstream app on their phones to log work activities and file incident reports from the field.

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$2B Insurance Company Streamlines Claims Process Management In Record Time

The Challenge: System Modernization

Multiple requirements needed to be fulfilled during the vendor exploration process. The software needed to accommodate more than 5,500 users and scale rapidly. It needed to be intuitive enough for people of all cultural identities to use, from tech-savvy millennials to baby boomers.

See How Pulpstream Works