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Gaining Visibility Into Claims Processing

Written by Romy Malviya | May 26, 2021 10:56:33 PM

The way we do things at work and in our personal lives is going through a period of rapid transformation. Things are moving so rapidly that it can feel like you need eyes in the back of your head to keep track of everything. Instead of spending money on another specialized employee, why not simply open a new pair of digital eyes.

Throughout the past year, we’ve spoken with business leaders at some of the world’s top companies at conferences. We asked them the question: What business processes at your company are causing you pain? Consistently claims process management has been in the top 3 responses. Because there are so many working parts and so many stakeholders, oversight and milestone management is cumbersome.

Now that we have a layer of information associated with almost every aspect of our physical lives, how do we apply these hybrid experience expectations to the work environment? How do we connect the dots in the claims process and consistently keep track of them?

You reimagine the way you keep your workplace safe to start. The next step would be to performa business process analysis. And finally, digitalization. Pouring digital technologies into your risk management and claims process management workflows is a solid foundation for an organization. Environmental conditions at a place of work have a direct impact on employee well being, risk exposure, and in turn insurance and workers compensation claims. Until now, revealing the relationships between work environment conditions with claims management has been a challenge. That is no longer the case. With no-code application development platforms that manage digital business processes across all devices, we can rapidly connect the dots.

Claims oversight with companion data visualizations that automatically generate data insights can deliver a 360-degree view of your operations. Not only do they help you monitor the performance of risk mitigation endeavors, data visualizations can play a critical role in better communicating environmental, health and safety (EHS) metrics to a diverse and distributed workforce. Visuals communicate to a wider audience of people of different ages, education levels, and even those who might speak in different languages.

Seeing the data through the eyes of an enterprise application can help ensure that all stakeholders are alert and responsive to critical information that can help prevent workplace injuries (and potentially save lives). Why not open a new pair of digital eyes through which you can identify and mitigate potential risks?

Optimize Claims Process Management with Digital Workflows

Claims process management software can enable enterprises to process claims from a distributed workforce much faster while eliminating the need to physically fill out a bunch of paperwork. What’s more, taking a digital approach to claims management can significantly expedite the endeavor. We’ve seen this successfully executed across many industries.

For example, a project manager in the construction industry can respond to an incident much faster by utilizing a enterprise application that’s powered by a no-code claims process management platform like Pulpstream. The claims investigator who is in the field would be notified in real-time about the incident. They could be routed there automatically based on enterprise staffing logic that’s tailored to the business strategy. This could be based on location, business unit, or a custom rule assignment. They’d use a mobile device like a smartphone or a tablet to collect information about the incident for a report. They could also easily collect photographic evidence to support their observations, even if they are in an area with little or no cell service.

At the same time, the employee that was impacted during the incident could be notified via text or email that they need to file a statement about happened. They can do all this with their preferred mobile device, through the cloud. As a result, the project manager can rapidly and simultaneously deploy his colleagues to where they’re needed, while getting a 360-degree view how this incident impacts the business. The project manager can see trends about incidents to determine potential outcomes and make the best decision about how to handle this to prevent or support future claims.

Any inefficient parts of the process can be changed without calling IT, or waiting on an engineer. Within a drag and a drop, a digital incident or claims process can be optimized in minutes. New stakeholders can rapidly be included in the decision making process if needed. By digitalizing the claims process management experience, enterprises can not only respond to incidents at lighting speed, they can also save time and money during optimizations, and restore the company to normal service levels at a much faster pace. Potential risks can be eliminated by harnessing the data created by each touch point in the experience. Each touch point can be automatically imported into a data visualization.

Data Visualization Streamlines Operations

Creating a visual representation of your data simplifies the endeavor of understanding the relationships between the data. For example, for a trucking company, using historical data to make predictions can dramatically impact the bottom line and workforce readiness.

You could easily create data visualizations that show which drivers were involved in accidents over a period of five to ten years. Comparing that with location data, could create powerful visualizations that unlock insights. Armed with this information, businesses could alert drivers about unsafe conditions. Drivers could be trained about how to safely navigate conditions at accident prone locations, which could prevent future claims from being filed. Businesses can keep track of who has taken training and determine if there is a correlation between training and accident reduction, or litigation related to a business unit or location. In turn, this could reduce risk and the potential costs of litigation for the company.

With data monitoring software, predictive analytics can calculate the likelihood of an incident occurring at a certain location. Enterprises leaders would be empowered to mitigate or avoid potential consequences.

Automated, digital data oversight can help people make better decisions about future business strategies, and overcome biases that people have. With a no-code enterprise application development, insights derived from the data can be quickly translated into customized training modules that enhance enterprise safety protocols and reduce risk exposure faster.

The technology exists to build new sets of digital eyes that see the data points and translate them into data visualizations that humans can understand. Pulpstream’s no-code, claims and incident management software solutions can do this and more. Pulpstream can help you automate claims and safety process oversight across all your lines of business, without ever writing a single line of code.

Want to see how it works? Check out this example of how actual Pulpstream customer, Risk Management Advisors, used our platform to streamline their claims management processes.